Delphi Programming Guide
Delphi Programmer 

Menu  Table of contents

Part I - Foundations
  Chapter 1 – Delphi 7 and Its IDE
  Chapter 2 – The Delphi Programming Language
  Chapter 3 – The Run-Time Library
  Chapter 4 – Core Library classes
  Chapter 5 – Visual Controls
  Chapter 6 – Building the User Interface
  Chapter 7 – Working with Forms
Part II - Delphi Object-Oriented Architectures
  Chapter 8 – The Architecture of Delphi Applications
  Chapter 9 – Writing Delphi Components
  Chapter 10 – Libraries and Packages
  Chapter 11 – Modeling and OOP Programming (with ModelMaker)
  Chapter 12 – From COM to COM+
Part III - Delphi Database-Oriented Architectures
  Chapter 13 – Delphi's Database Architecture
  Chapter 14 – Client/Server with dbExpress
  Chapter 15 – Working with ADO
  Chapter 16 – Multitier DataSnap Applications
  Chapter 17 – Writing Database Components
  Chapter 18 – Reporting with Rave
Part IV - Delphi, the Internet, and a .NET Preview
  Chapter 19 – Internet Programming: Sockets and Indy
  Chapter 20 – Web Programming with WebBroker and WebSnap
  Chapter 21 – Web Programming with IntraWeb
  Chapter 22 – Using XML Technologies
  Chapter 23 – Web Services and SOAP
  Chapter 24 – The Microsoft .NET Architecture from the Delphi Perspective
  Chapter 25 – Delphi for .NET Preview: The Language and the RTL
  Appendix A – Extra Delphi Tools by the Author
  Appendix B – Extra Delphi Tools from Other Sources
  Appendix C – Free Companion Books on Delphi
  List of Figures    
  List of tables    
  List of Listings    
  List of Sidebars  

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tab actions, 224
TabbedNotebook component, 202
TabBmp object, 210
TabControl component, 202
for image viewer, 207–210, 207
for pages, 328–329, 329
table bookmarks, 538
Table component, 507
TableAttributes property, 763
TableName property
in datasets, 573, 704
in TADOTable, 624
constraints on, 657–658
editing columns in, 539–540
events for, 658–659
in HTML, 762–764, 763
system, 578
totals of columns in, 537, 537
virtual method tables, 66, 70, 466
TabOrder property, 176
TAboutBox class, 290
tabs in editor, 11
Tabs menu, 24
TabSet component, 202
TabSheet components, 202–207, 204–205
TabStop property, 176
TabVisible property, 205, 210
TAction class, 222, 385
TActionBar collection, 244
TActionClient class, 244
TActiveXControl class, 458, 488
TActiveXControlFactory class, 460
TADTField class, 529
Tag property, 124
TAggregateField class, 529
TagParams list, 761
tags in XML, 833
TAlignment class, 230
TAnimal class, 62–64, 67
TApplication class, 295–296
TAppServerOne class, 654
TargetList function, 386–387
TArrayField class, 529
TAutoIncField class, 529
TAutoObject class, 458
TAutoObjectFactory class, 460
TAXForm1 class, 491–492
TBasicAction class, 222
TBCDField class, 529
TBinaryField class, 529
TBitBtn class, 184, 373
TBitmap class, 208
TBits class, 147
TBlobField class, 139, 529
TBlobStream class, 138
TBookmark class, 538
TBookmarkList class, 542
TBookmarkStr class, 542–543
TBooleanField class, 529
TBrush class, 358
TBucketList class, 132
TButton class, 152, 173
TBytesField class, 529
TCanTest class, 384
TCanvas class, 150, 262–263
TCGIApplication class, 771
TCharProperty class, 388
TCheckConstraint class, 657
TClass class, 77
TClassFinder class, 147
TClassList class, 131
TClipboard class, 208
TCollection class, 131, 147
TCollectionItem class, 131, 147, 382
TColor class, 160–161
TComObject class, 457–458, 464
TComObjectFactory class, 460, 462
TComponent class, 110–111, 110, 117, 340
in Delphi for .NET Preview, 931–932
form fields in
hiding, 122–123
removing, 121–122
Name property in, 121
ownership in, 117–120, 120
Tag property in, 124
TComponentEditor class, 393
TComponentList class, 131
TCompressStream class, 145
TConnectionAdmin class, 579
TContainedAction class, 222
TControl class, 158
activation and visibility, 159
colors, 160–161
fonts, 159–160
Parent property, 158–159
size and position, 159
TCoolBand class, 231
TCoolBar component, 231
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), 652, 737–739
TCP/IP sockets, 651
TCP ports, 739–740
TcpClient class, 737–738
TcpServer class, 737–738
TCriticalSection class, 305
TCurrencyField class, 529
TCustomAction class, 222
TCustomActionToolBar class, 247–248
TCustomADODataSet, 618
TCustomConnection class, 569
TCustomControl class, 158, 487
TCustomDockForm class, 234
TCustomEdit class, 369
TCustomForm class, 251–252
TCustomGrid class, 679
TCustomLabel class, 350
TCustomMemoryStream class, 137
TCustomSQLDataSet class, 572
TCustomVariantType class, 94
TCustomWebDispatcher class, 771
TDataLink class, 669–670
TDataModule class, 147, 535, 653
TDataSaxHandler class, 872–873
TDataSet class, 520–524, 536, 552, 592, 687
TDataSetField class, 529
TDatasetProvider class, 658
TDate class, 51, 51
TDateField class, 529
TDateForm class, 56–58
TDateListI class, 134–135
TDateListW class, 134–135
TDateTime class, 49–50
in DateUtils unit, 91
in Delphi for .NET Preview, 921
in System unit, 84
TDateTimeField class, 529
TDBGHack class, 544
TDecompressStream class, 145
TDump.exe tool, 33
TeamSource tool, 33
Telnet ports, 740
temperature conversions, 96
code, 15, 450–452, 450
in Component Palette, 25–26, 26
HTML, 788
in Object Repository, 40–41
in UDDI, 895
TEncodedStream class, 142–143
TEnumProperty class, 388
TerminateAndRedirect method, 820
TestCom example, 464–465
COM server, 464–466
datasets, 703–704, 704
debugger for, 774
TestStreamFormat method, 140
TEvent class, 305
for case diagrams, 434
DFM files stored as, 19
in Rave, 723
text-based data-aware controls, 516
Text component, 723
text files
Jet engine for, 626–628
line breaks in, 85
Text IISAM, 626–627
text-input components
Edit, 163
LabeledEdit, 163
MaskEdit, 163–164
MemoRich and RichEdit, 164–165
TextViewer, 165, 165
Text property
in ComboBox, 168
in DOM, 844
in Edit, 162
in MemoRich, 164
for panels, 217
TextBrowser control, 756
TextHeight attribute, 187
TextViewer component, 165, 165
TField class, 525–527, 641–642
TFieldDataLink class, 670–671
TFileData class, 707
TFiler class, 139, 147
TFileRec class, 85
TFileStream class, 137
TFindWebThread class, 752–754
TFirstServer class, 473, 477
TFloatField class, 527, 529
TFMTBCDField class, 529
TForm class, 251–252, 333
for border icons, 256–257, 257
for form style, 254
borders, 254–256, 254
windows, 257–259, 258
for plain forms, 252–253, 253
TFormBitmap class, 331, 333–334
TFormBorderStyle class, 256
TFormClass class, 77
TFormScrollBar class, 270
TFormSimpleColor class, 422
TFrameClass class, 329–330
TFrameList class, 324–325
TGraphicControl class, 158, 340, 359, 487
TGraphicField class, 530
TGUID class, 458–459
TGuidField class, 530
THandleStream class, 137
THashedStringList class, 133
themes, 220–221, 222
thick frame border style, 255
thin clients, 649
ThinCli1 example, 656
ThinCli2 example, 659, 659
ThinPlus example, 662–665, 663, 665
THintInfo structure, 183
THome class, 788–789
thousands separators, 370–371, 533
ThousandSeparator character, 533
threading methods in COM, 463
threads, 84, 304–307
threadvar variables, 822
three-tier architecture, 648
tiDirtyRead value, 590
TIDispatchField class, 530
TidThreadSafeInteger class, 822
Tile method, 312
TileMode property, 312
native formats for, 709
unit for, 91
Timer class, 350–351
Timer property, 351
for messages, 302
in Web applications, 823
XClock, 492–493, 493
TimeStamp field, 574
timing, 476
TInformSubscriber class, 498–499
TIniFile class, 331–332
TIntegerField class, 530
TIntegerProperty class, 388
TInterfacedField class, 530
TInterfacedObject class, 70, 84, 457
TInterfacedPersistent class, 147
TInterfaceList class, 147
TInvokableClass class, 880
tiReadCommitted value, 590
tiRepeatableRead value, 590
TISAPIRequest class, 771
TISAPIResponse class, 771
TItemProp class, 171
Title property, 379
titles for applications, 297
TIWServerController class, 822
TJpegImage class, 783
TLargeIntField class, 530
TLB (type library) file, 37, 470
TLibCli example, 474–475
TlibdemoLib_TLB file, 477
tlibimp utility, 501
TList class, 128–131, 130, 133
TListControlAction class, 385
TListItems class, 189
TMdActiveButton class, 372–373
TMdArrow class, 359–360, 363–365
TMdClock class, 350–351
TMdCustomDataSet class, 687–689
TMdCustomListAction class, 385–386
TMdDataSetStream class, 689–690
TMdDbGrid class, 684
TMdDbProgress class, 671–672
TMdDbTrack class, 675
TMdDirDataset class, 706
TMdFontCombo class, 341–344
TMdListBoxDialog class, 379
TMdListCompEditor class, 393–395
TMdListCopyAction class, 386
TMdListCutAction class, 386
TMdListDataSet class, 705
TMdListPasteAction class, 386
TMdMyColleciton class, 382–383
TMdMyItem class, 382
TMdNumEdit class, 369
TMdObjDataSet class, 710
TMdPersonalData class, 352–354
TMdRecInfo class, 695–696
TMdRecordLink class, 678
TMdRecordView class, 679
TMdSoundButton class, 371–372, 392
TMdThousandEdit class, 370–371
TMdViewer class, 355–356
TMdWArrowX class, 488
TMemoField class, 530
TMemoryManager class, 84, 334–335
TMemoryStream class, 137–138
TMethod class, 115, 125
TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer class, 86
TMySaxHandler class, 851–852
TMySimpleSaxHandler class, 852
TNewDate class, 59–60
TNotifyEvent type, 364
TNumber class, 462, 464
TNumericField class, 530
to-do lists, 7–9, 8
TObject class, 54, 84, 104–108, 106, 108
TObjectBucketList class, 132
TObjectField class, 530
TObjectHelper class, 930
TObjectList class, 131–133
TObjectQueue class, 132
TObjectStack class, 131–132
TODO comments, 7–9
TODO files, 37
TOleStream class, 138
toolbars and ToolBar control, 213, 230–231
actions with, 224, 229–230
captions for, 236
ControlBar, 231–234, 232
CoolBar, 230–231
docking in, 235–239, 236
hints in, 182–184, 184, 218, 218, 236
menus and combo boxes in, 216–217
in Rave, 718
RichBar example, 214–215, 214
Tools API, 388
Tooltip symbol insight feature, 12–13
tooltips, 182–184, 184
expression evaluation, 16
hints, 19
Top property
for components, 18
for forms, 268
in TControl, 159
Total example, 537, 537
of columns, 537, 537
in Rave, 729–730
TOwnedCollection class, 147
TParser class, 147
TPen class, 358
TPersistent class, 110, 112–113
for Arrow component, 362–364, 364
property access in, 115–117, 117
published keyword for, 114–115
TPoint structure, 93
TPromptQueryButton class, 859
TPropertyEditor class, 388
TPropertyPage class, 490
TPropertyPage1 class, 490
TQueue class, 132
TrackBar component, 172, 674–677, 677
tracking forms, 299–302, 300
TrackMode property, 815
training classes, 608–611, 610
transactional data modules, 497
TransactionLevel property, 591
actions for, 596
in ADO, 634–636
in client/server programming, 589–591, 591
in COM+, 494
InterBase for, 561
TransactionsSupported property, 590
TranSample example, 591, 591
XSL, 868–869
TransformNode method, 866, 868
TransformProvider component, 855, 856
translations, BabelFish, 876–879, 877, 879
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/ IP), 652, 737–739
transparent color in forms, 267, 267
TransparentColor property, 267
TransparentColorValue property, 267
TReader class, 139–140, 147
TRecall class, 147
TReconcileAction class, 588
TReconcileErrorForm dialog box, 641
TRect structure, 93
trees in XML, 835
TreeView, 22–23
TreeView component, 169–170, 193–197, 194
custom nodes in, 197–198, 199
for XML documents, 839–841, 840
TreeView Items property editor, 193
TReferenceField class, 530
TRegIniFile class, 332
TRegistry class, 332
TRegSvr.exe example, 464
TRegSvr.exe tool, 34
TRemoteDataModule class, 654
TResourceStream class, 137
triangle symbol in Band Style Editor, 728
triggered events, 124
triggers in Interbase 6, 565–566
trigonometric functions, 89
Trunc function, 921
try blocks, 71–73
TryEncodeDate function, 87
TryEncodeTime function, 87
TryFinally example, 72–73
TryStrToCurr function, 87
TryStrToDate function, 87
TryStrToFloat function, 87
TSaveStatusForm class, 331, 334
TSchemaInfo class, 622
TScreen class, 299
TScrollingWidget class, 252
TScrollingWinControl class, 252
TSetProperty class, 388
TSingleEvent class, 305
TSmallIntField class, 530
TSmallPoint class, 93
TSOAPAttachment class, 893
TSoapDataModule class, 890
TSoapTestDm class, 890
TSoundProperty class, 389
TSQLConnection class, 569
TSQLDataSet component, 572, 578
TSQLTimeStampField class, 530, 574
TStack class, 131–132
TStream class, 135–137
TStringField class, 530
TStringHash class, 133
TStringList class, 128–129, 148
TStringProperty class, 388
TStrings class, 128–129
TStringStream class, 137
TTags class, 761
TTextRec class, 85
TThread class, 147, 305
TThreadList class, 147
TTimeField class, 530
TToolButton class, 173, 213
TTransactionDesc type, 590
TTreeItems class, 197
TTreeNode class, 195
TTypedComObject class, 458
TTypedComObjectFactory class, 460
tuples, 560
Turbo Grep tool, 33
Turbo Register Server tool, 34
TUserSession class, 821–822, 825–826
TVarBytesField class, 530
TVarData record class, 84
TVariantField class, 530
TVariantManager class, 84
TViewerForm class, 322–323
TWebAppPageModule class, 787
TWebAppPageModuleFactory class, 807
TWebBrowser class, 485
TWebContext class, 806
TWebPageModuleFactory class, 807
TWebRequest class, 771, 775
TWebResponse class, 771
TWideStringField class, 530
TWidgetControl class, 158, 161–162, 251
TWinControl class, 158, 161, 251, 340
TWindowArrange class, 312
TWindowCascade class, 312
TWindowClose class, 312
TWindowMinimizeAll class, 312
TWindowTileHorizontal class, 312
TWindowTileVertical class, 312
TWinSocketStream class, 138
TWordField class, 530
TWriter class, 139–140, 147
TXActAttributes class, 635
type libraries
in Automation, 468–470
editors for, 470–472, 471
type library (TLB) file, 37, 470
Type Library Importer, 501
Type Library page, 471
type-safe containers and lists, 133–135
type-safe down-casting, 67–69
typed parameters, 565
TypeInfo unit, 116–117
checking, 458
COM, 478
in Delphi for .NET Preview, 920, 926
in inheritance, 62–63
Types unit, 93
TypesList method, 882
TypInfo unit, 148

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