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IndexNote to the Reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations. AAbsolute function, 921
abstract methods, 66–67
AbstractAnimals example, 67
acBoldUpdate method, 229
accelerator keys, 181–182
Access databases, 624
access rights in WebSnap, 808
acCountcharsUpdate method, 229
acCutUpdate method, 229
acPasteUpdate method, 229–230
acSaveUpdate method, 229
action objects, 222
Action parameter in close, 279
Action property, 223
ActionBoldExecute method, 227
ActionCount object, 227
ActionCountExecute method, 227
ActionEnableExecute method, 227
ActionFont object, 313
ActionFontExecute method, 313
ActionFontUpdate method, 314
ActionIncreaseExecute method, 539
ActionLink object, 223
ActionListUpdate method, 230
ActionMainMenuBar control, 242
ActionManager component, 242
ActionNewExecute method, 314
ActionOpenExecute method, 314
Actions property, 771–772
ActionSaveAsExecute method, 314
ActionSaveExecute method, 315
ActionSaveUpdate method, 314
ActionShowStatusExecute method, 246
ActionToolBar control, 242
ActionTotalExecute method, 539
activation messages, 374
active documents, 456
ActiveChange method, 676
ActiveForm property, 299
ActiveForm Wizard dialog box, 491
ActiveForms, 491–492
ActiveMDIChild property, 312
ActiveScripting engine, 791
ActiveX Data Objects. See ADO (ActiveX Data Objects)
activity diagrams, 434
actors in use case diagrams, 434
AdapterCommandGroup, 795
AdapterDispatcher component, 787
AdapterErrorList component, 803
AdapterFieldGroup component, 795
AdapterGrid component, 799
for formview page, 802–803
for logins, 807
for main page, 798–801
for master/detail relationships, 803
adCriteria constants, 640
Add Field command, 531
Add Files to Model option, 437
Add method
for collections, 382
in Delphi for .NET Preview, 926–927
in TBucketList, 132
in TList, 133
in TMdObjDataSet, 713
in TreeView, 194
in TStringList and TStrings, 128
Add To-Do Item command, 9
Add to Model option, 437
Add To Repository command, 40
AddChild method, 194
AddChild node, 844
AddColors method, 187–188
AddDefaultCommands property, 796
AddDefaultFields property, 796
AddFilesToList function, 103
Additional page, 180
AddNode method, 197
AddObject method, 187
Addr function, 921
AddRecord method, 701
AddWebModuleFactory method, 792
AdjustLineBreaks function, 87
administrative components in IBX, 593
briefcase model in, 645
client indexes in, 632
connection pooling in, 643–644
cursors in, 629–632
Data Link files for, 621
dynamic properties in, 622
in MDAC, 616–617
OLE DB providers, 616–617
recordsets in
disconnected, 642–643
persistent, 644–645
transaction processing in, 634–636
updates in, 615
batch, 638–642
joins, 636–637
ADO Cursor Engine, 629
ADO Multi-Dimensional (ADOMD), 617
ADOExpress, 616
ADOMD (ADO Multi-Dimensional), 617
ADOUpdatesPending function, 638
ADOX technology, 623
ADTG (Advanced Data Table Gram) format, 644–645
Advanced page, 619
AfterEdit event, 524
AfterInsert event, 547
Aggregates property, 550
aggregation of interfaces, 921
Align property, 181
Alignment dialog box, 19
Alignment toolbar, 718
AllocRecordBuffer method, 699
AllowAllUp property, 230
AllowGrayed property, 165–166
AllowHiding property, 244
AlphaBlend function, 267
AlphaBlendValue property, 267–268
AlphaDIBBlend function, 267
alter procedure statement, 565
alter trigger statement, 566
alternatives in XSLT, 864
ampersands (&) for accelerator keys, 181
ancestor classes, 63
AncestorIsValid function, 148
Anchors property, 179
angle brackets (<>) in XML, 834
animated displays, 268
AnimateWindow API, 268
annotations on diagrams, 435
AnsiContainsText function, 91
AnsiDequotedStr function, 87
AnsiIndexText function, 91–92
AnsiMatchText function, 91–92
AnsiQuoteStr function, 87
AnsiReplaceText function, 91
AnsiResembleText function, 91
apartment threading model, 463
AppendRecord method, 701
AppID property, 817
Application Form option, 820
application-level interfaces, 615
Application mode in IntraWeb, 815
Application page, 295
application window, 297–298
Application Wizard, 825
ApplicationAdapter component, 788
ApplicationEvents component, 296
Applications page, 28
ApplicationTitle property, 788
ApplyBitBtnClick method, 287
AppServ2 example, 657–658
AppServer property, 664
Architect Studio edition, 4
Arrange option, 21
ArrangeIons method, 312
array-based properties, 52
arrays in ModelMaker, 450
arrow keys for moving components, 18
ArrowDblClick method, 365
AS methods in IAppServer, 650
As properties, 528
ASCII text files, source files as, 38
AsDateTime property, 574
ASM statements, 921
AssignPrn method, 582
AssignTo method, 113
association symbols in diagrams, 435
associative lists, 132–133
AsSQLTimeStamp property, 574
AsText method, 495
asymmetric arithmetic rounding, 90
atomic operations, 589
AttachedMenu property, 816
Attribute class, 928
Attributes property, 635
AutoActivate property, 482
AutoComplete property, 168
AutoConnect property, 477
AutoDock property, 235
AutoDrag property, 235
AutoHotkeys property, 182
automated keyword, 921
clients in, 474–475
object scope in, 476–477
Office programs with, 478–479
code for, 472–473
registering, 473–474
speed differences in, 476
types in, 478
AutoSave feature, 11
AutoSize property, 234–235
AutoSnap property, 181
availability in InterBase, 561
AxBorderStyle property, 492
AxCtrls unit, 478
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