Delphi Programming Guide
Delphi Programmer 

Menu  Table of contents

Part I - Foundations
  Chapter 1 – Delphi 7 and Its IDE
  Chapter 2 – The Delphi Programming Language
  Chapter 3 – The Run-Time Library
  Chapter 4 – Core Library classes
  Chapter 5 – Visual Controls
  Chapter 6 – Building the User Interface
  Chapter 7 – Working with Forms
Part II - Delphi Object-Oriented Architectures
  Chapter 8 – The Architecture of Delphi Applications
  Chapter 9 – Writing Delphi Components
  Chapter 10 – Libraries and Packages
  Chapter 11 – Modeling and OOP Programming (with ModelMaker)
  Chapter 12 – From COM to COM+
Part III - Delphi Database-Oriented Architectures
  Chapter 13 – Delphi's Database Architecture
  Chapter 14 – Client/Server with dbExpress
  Chapter 15 – Working with ADO
  Chapter 16 – Multitier DataSnap Applications
  Chapter 17 – Writing Database Components
  Chapter 18 – Reporting with Rave
Part IV - Delphi, the Internet, and a .NET Preview
  Chapter 19 – Internet Programming: Sockets and Indy
  Chapter 20 – Web Programming with WebBroker and WebSnap
  Chapter 21 – Web Programming with IntraWeb
  Chapter 22 – Using XML Technologies
  Chapter 23 – Web Services and SOAP
  Chapter 24 – The Microsoft .NET Architecture from the Delphi Perspective
  Chapter 25 – Delphi for .NET Preview: The Language and the RTL
  Appendix A – Extra Delphi Tools by the Author
  Appendix B – Extra Delphi Tools from Other Sources
  Appendix C – Free Companion Books on Delphi
  List of Figures    
  List of tables    
  List of Listings    
  List of Sidebars  

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C# programming language, 10
C++ programming language, 401–402
CAB files, 34, 493
cached updates, 638–642
CacheFile property, 893
caches and buffers
with ClientDataSet, 584
for dataset records, 698–703
in TDataSet, 687
CacheSize property, 630–631
caFree value, 279
caHide value, 279
Calc example, 531–533, 533
CalcController component, 733
CalcOp component, 733–734
CalcText component, 729–730
CalcTotal component, 733
CalcType property, 730
calculated fields
adding, 530–533, 531, 533
internally calculated, 513
calculations in Rave, 733–734
callback functions, 308
callback interfaces, 497–498
callback mechanisms, 910
CallFirst example, 406, 407
DLLs, 406, 407, 408–410
procedures, 409–410
caMinimize value, 279
CancelBatch method, 638
CancelUpdates method, 638
caNone value, 279
CanTools wizards, 945–947
Canvas property, 262
CaptionPlus method, 57
captions and Caption property
for actions, 222
inputting, 260
for menu items, 174
for property pages, 490
removing, 258
in TabSheet, 203
toolbar, 236
Capture property, 264–265
Cascade method, 312
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 764–765, 797, 859
case-insensitive searches, 602–603
case toggling, shortcut keys for, 16
RTTI for, 67–69
type-safe down-casting, 67–69
categories, property
in Object Inspector, 21–22
registering, 366–367, 367
Category property, 222, 224
CCLibDir entry, 26
CDATA section, 834
CDK (Component Development Kit), 340
CDS formats, 511, 512
cdsCalcFields method, 531–532
CdsCalcs example, 549–553, 550
CdsDelta example, 586–588, 586
CdsXstl example, 868–869
CFG files, 34
CGI programs, 768–769, 769
CgiDate example, 768–769, 769
CgiIntra example, 823–824
ChangeAlignment method, 230
ChangeColor method, 476
Changed method, 344, 383
ChangedAllowed property, 244
ChangeFamily method, 97
ChangeFormFont property, 344, 348
ChangeOwner example, 119–120, 120
ChangesToClone property, 712
character sets in XML, 835
characters event, 850, 852
characters method, 872
CheckBiDirectional function, 572
CheckBox component, 165–166
CheckBoxList component, 169
CheckCapsLock method, 218
Checked property
for actions, 222, 230
in CheckBoxList, 169
child components, messages for, 374
child forms in MDI applications, 315–316, 315
child windows in MDI applications, 311–315, 313
CIL (Common Intermediate Language), 904, 907–908
CTS in, 909–911
managed and safe code in, 908–909
class completion
in editor, 13–14
for methods, 45
Class_DColorPropPage constant, 489
Class_DFontPropPage constant, 489
Class_DPicturePropPage constant, 489
Class_DStringPropPage constant, 489
class factories, 460
class helpers, 929–931
class interfaces, 48
class references, 76–78, 78
classes, 109. See also components
in Delphi, 44–48
diagrams for, 431–432, 432–433
for exceptions, 73–75
for fields, 529–530
information for, 104–108, 108
interposer, 332–333
moving, 446
in Project Explorer, 32
reparenting, 446
Classes unit, 147–148
ClassHelperDemo example, 929
ClassInfo example, 107–108, 108
ClassInfo method, 106
ClassName method, 104–105
ClassParent method, 105
ClassRef example, 77–78, 78
ClassType method, 105
clear method for dialog boxes, 283–284
CLI (Common Language Infrastructure), 903–904
client areas
in controls, 159
in forms, 269
for mouse events, 262
client cursors, 629
client indexes in ADO, 632
client/server programming, 555–557
with ClientDataSet
aggregates in, 550–552, 550
grouping in, 549, 550
packets and caches in, 584
transactions in, 589–591, 591
updates in, 584–589, 585–586, 588
database design for, 557–561
with dbExpress library, 566
components, 569–574, 571, 573
metadata in, 578–579, 579
parametric queries in, 579–581, 580–581
platforms and databases, 567–569
printing in, 581–584
single and multiple components with, 575–578, 577
unidirectional cursors, 566–567
with InterBase, 561–566, 563–564
unidirectional cursors in, 560–561
client socket connections, 740
client windows, subclassing, 317–318
ClientDataSet component, 508–509, 567, 575
client/server programming with
aggregates in, 550–552, 550
grouping in, 549, 550
packets and caches in, 584
transactions in, 589–591, 591
updates in, 584–589, 585–586, 588
for DataSnap, 649, 655–656, 656
filtering for, 513
formats in, 511
indexing for, 512–513
local tables for
connections for, 509–510, 510
defining, 511–512, 512
locating records in, 514–515
master/detail structures in, 552–553, 553
Midas library for, 510–511
for updates, 576
in WebSearch program, 785
in WebSnap, 799, 803
ClientHandle property, 312
ClientHeight property, 269
ClientRefresh example, 661, 661
Automation, 474–475
for DataSnap, 652–653
MDI, 310–311
thin, 649
in Web database applications, 831–832, 832
ClientToScreen method, 175, 183
ClientWidth property, 269
Clip History Viewer, 946
for actions, 229–230
for components, 24–25
for DDE, 456
with TabControl, 208–209
for toolbar operations, 214–215
ClipBrd unit, 208
ClipCursor function, 263
digital, 349–352
XClock, 492–493, 493
Clone method, 633
cloneNode, 843
in ADO, 633, 633
property, 187
recordset, 633
Close method, 279–280
datasets, 694–695
forms, 279–280
closing markers in XML, 834–835
CLR (Common Language Runtime), 905–906
CLRReflection example, 934–940, 940
CLS (Common Language Specification), 905–906
CLX (Component Library for Cross-Platform), 5, 110– 112
structure of, 111–112
styles for, 219–220, 220
cm_ prefix, 373–378
cm_DialogChar message, 377
cm_DialogKey message, 260, 377
cm_FocusChanged message, 378
cm_MouseEnter message, 372
cm_MouseExit message, 372
CmdGotoPage command, 799
CmdLine global variable, 84
CmdNextPage command, 799
CmdPrevPage command, 799
CmExit method, 677
CMNTest example, 377–378
cn_ prefix, 373, 377
CNHScroll method, 676
CNVScroll method, 676–677
CoCreateGuid function, 459
code completion, 14–15
Code Explorer window, 11–12, 12
code generation vs. streaming, 113–114
code in Delphi for .NET Preview, 921–922
code insight technology, 14
code parameters, 15
Code Template Parameters dialog box, 450, 450
code templates, 15
CoFirstServer class, 475
ColHeights property, 683
collaboration diagrams, 434
classes in, 131
for properties, 381–385, 383
colons (:) in to-do items, 9
for controls, 160–161
converting to strings, 187–188
in DLLs, 404, 410–411
list box of, 186–188
messages for, 377
in Object Inspector, 20
transparent, 267, 267
Color property
in Splitter, 180
in TControl, 159–160
ColorBox component, 169
ColorDialog component, 288
ColorDrawItem method, 185–186
ColorKeyHole example, 267–268, 267
ColorRef type, 404
Colors toolbar in Rave, 718
ColorToString function, 187–188
Column property, 763
ColumnLayout property, 167
columns and Columns property
in DataSetTableProducer, 763
in DBGrid, 382, 516
editing, 539–540
in ListBox, 167
in RadioGroup, 166
totals of, 537, 537
Columns property editor, 533
COM (Component Object Model), 455–456
and ADO.NET, 645–646
class factories in, 460
data types in, 478
in Delphi, 500–502, 502
GUIDs in, 458–460, 459
history of, 456–457
instancing and threading methods in, 463
Interop services in, 908
IUnknown for, 457–458
server for, 460–461
interface properties for, 465–466
interfaces and objects for, 461–463, 462
object initialization for, 464
testing, 464–466
virtual methods in, 466–467
COM+, 456, 494, 650
components for, 494–496, 495–496
events for, 497–500, 499
transactional data modules for, 497
COM Component Install Wizard, 498
COM+ Event Object wizard, 498
COM Object Wizard, 461–462, 462, 498
combo boxes, 216–217, 341–348, 345–346
ComboBox component, 168
ComboBoxEx component, 169
ComConts unit, 96
ComDlg32.DLL file, 287
CommandHandlers class, 741
commands, 173
and actions, 173
Menu Designer for, 174, 174
pop-up menus, 174–176
CommandText Editor, 573, 573
CommandText property
in SQLDataSet, 573
in TADODataSet, 626
CommandType property
in SQLDataSet, 573
in TADODataSet, 626
CommDlg example, 287–288, 288
in ModelMaker, 444–445, 444
TODO, 7–9
in XML, 834
Commit action, 596
Commit method, 589
CommitRetaining command, 596–597
CommitTrans method, 634
common dialog boxes, 287–288, 288
Common Intermediate Language (CIL), 904, 907–908
CTS in, 909–911
managed and safe code in, 908–909
Common Language Infrastructure (CLI), 903–904
Common Language Runtime (CLR), 905–906
Common Language Specification (CLS), 905–906
Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), 651
Common Type System (CTS), 903–904, 909
events and delegates in, 910–911
objects and properties in, 909–910
ComObj unit, 96, 457
Comp type, 920
CompareValue function, 89
for ClientDataSet, 513
with floating-point numbers, 89
with strings, 91–92
in DLLs, 404–405
with Linux, 88
type, in inheritance, 62–63
conditional, 156
for libraries, 156
.NET Preview, 900
for projects, 30–32
compiler messages, 9–10, 31, 31
Compiler Messages page, 31, 31
Compiler page, 28
complex numbers, 95
Component Development Kit (CDK), 340
component diagrams, 434
Component Library for Cross-Platform (CLX), 5, 110– 112
structure of, 111–112
styles for, 219–220, 220
Component Object Model. See COM (Component Object Model)
Component Palette, 23–24
bitmaps for, 348, 349
for copying and pasting components, 24–25
for databases, 507
submenus on, 5
templates and frames in, 25–26, 26
Component property, 395
component streaming system, 52
Component Template Information dialog box, 25
component templates, 25–26
Component Wizard, 341–342
ComponentCount property, 119
ComponentIndex property, 118
components, 109, 162. See also classes; controls
vs. ActiveX controls, 484–485
for adapters, 794–795
Automation servers in, 477–478, 477
base classes for, 340
class references for, 76–78, 78
collection properties, 381–385, 383
for COM+, 494–496, 495–496
commands, 173–176
compound, 349
external components in, 352–354, 353
frames for, 357–358
graphical. See Arrow component
interfaces for, 354–356
internal components in, 349–350
publishing subcomponents of, 350–352, 352
copying and pasting, 24–25
dynamic creation of, 47–48, 47
editors for, 392–395, 394
extending libraries for, 337–340
Fonts combo box, 341–348, 341, 345–346
hiding, 159
input focus, 176–178, 176–177
lists, 167–172, 170
messages for, 376
without names, 122
nonvisual dialog, 378–381, 381
for options, 165–166
packages for, 337–339
property editors, 388–392, 390–391
ranges, 172–173
text-input, 162–165, 165
windows controls. See windows
writing, 339–340
Components property, 118–120
ComponentState property, 300
ComponentStyle property, 351
ComponentToDOM method, 845
compound components, 349
external components in, 352–354, 353
frames for, 357–358
graphical. See Arrow component
interfaces for, 354–356
internal components in, 349–350
publishing subcomponents of, 350–352, 352
compound documents, 456, 479–483, 482
compressed CAB files, 493
compressing streams, 145–146, 145
CompressStream function, 146
ComputePoints method, 360–361, 365
ComputerName property, 652, 655
ComServ unit, 96
access in, 557
in COM+, 496
InterBase for, 561
conditional compilation, 156
conflicts in ADO, 641–642
Connected property, 655
Connection component, 575
connection protocols for DataSnap, 650–651
connection string editor, 618–619, 619–620
connection strings, 618–619
ConnectionBroker component, 652–653, 666
ConnectionName property, 571
ClientDataSet, 509–510, 510
dbExpress, 576–577, 577
pooling, 643–644
socket, 740, 744–747
connections.ini file, 570, 572
ConnectionString property, 618–619, 621, 629
ConnectKind property, 478
constant strings, 85
ConstraintErrorMessage property, 657
constraints and Constraints property, 179, 657
in DataSnap example, 657–658
for forms, 270
in Splitter, 180
constructor keyword, 54
constructors, 54–55, 926
container classes, 131–132
containers, type-safe, 133–135
contains keyword, 346
contains lists, 345–346
Contains section, 348
Content method
in DataSetTableProducer, 762
in PageProducer, 760
in QueryTableProducer, 778
Content property, 772
ContentFields property, 778
ContentStream property, 784
ContentType property, 784
Contnrs unit, 131
Contrib.INI file, 692–693
ControlBar component, 231–234, 232
docking toolbars in, 235–239, 236
menus ins, 234
ControlBarLowerDockOver method, 247–248
ControllerBand property, 727, 731
controllers in Automation, 467
controls, 111, 149. See also components
activation and visibility of, 159
ActiveX. See ActiveX controls
anchors for, 179–180, 179
colors for, 160–161
converting, 156–158
data-aware. See data-aware controls
dual libraries support for, 151–155, 152
fonts, 159–160
forms. See forms
ListView, 188–193, 191
menus. See menus
owner-draw, 184–185
list box of colors, 186–188
menu items, 185–186, 186
parents of, 158–159
size and position of, 159
status bars, 217–219, 218
TControl for, 158–162
ToolBar, 213–219, 214
TreeView, 193–197, 194, 199
TWidgetControl, 161–162
TWinControl, 161
VCL vs. VisualCLX, 149–158, 152
windows. See windows
Controls property, 159
ConvDemo example, 97, 98
conversions, 96–99, 98
Booleans, 86
colors, 187–188
controls, 156–158
currency, 99–102, 101, 880–882, 881, 883
DFM files, 33, 153
floating-point numbers, 87
members, 447
stream data, 140–142
strings, 86–87, 187–188
temperatures, 96
types, 67–69
to uppercase names, 602–603
CONVERT.EXE utility, 33, 140
Convert function, 96
Convert Project to Model option, 437
Convert to Model option, 437
Convert tool, 33, 140
ConvertAndShow method, 141
ConvertIt demo, 100
ConvertService service, 880–882, 881, 883
ConvUtils unit, 91, 96
CoolBar component, 230–231
for controls, 159
in dragging, 544
for mouse-related keys, 262
in Rave, 719
in scrolling, 273–274, 273
Copy1Click method, 209
CopyFile method, 138–139
components, 24–25
files, 138–139
CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture), 651
core library classes, 109, 148
Classes unit, 147–148
collections, 131
containers, 131–135
events, 124–128
RTL package, 110–112, 110
streaming, 135–148, 141
TComponent, 117–124, 120
TPersistent, 112–117, 117
core syntax of XML, 834–835
Count command, 316
Count property, 128
count(*) wildcard, 561
CountBlanks property, 730
hit, 782–785
in Interbase 6, 565
CountSubstr function, 93
CountSubstrEx function, 93
CppDll example, 401–402, 402
cracks in datasets, 697
Create constructors, 54
for file streams, 138
overloaded, 54–55
in TMdClock, 351
in TObject, 54
Create XML From Datapacket command, 856–857
CreateComObject function, 460, 465, 475
CreateComps example, 47–48, 47
CreateDataSet method, 511
createElement method, 842
CreateFileMapping function, 413–414
CreateForm method, 77, 277
CreateGUID function, 87
CreateHandle method, 161
CreateInstance method
in IClassFactory, 460
in IObjectContext, 497
CreateMutex method, 308
CreateOleObject function, 475
CreateParams method, 161, 258
CreatePolygonalRgn method, 365
CreateTable method, 695
CreateWindowEx function, 258
CreateWindowHandle method, 161
CreateWnd method, 161, 327, 342–343
creation classes, 475
Creational Wizard, 452
CreatOrd program, 279
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 764–765, 797, 859
CTS (Common Type System), 903–904, 909
events and delegates in, 909–910
objects and properties in, 909–910
culture, 904
CUR files, 34
converting, 99–102, 101, 880–882, 881, 883
in Delphi for .NET Preview, 921
floating-point numbers with, 87
Currency property, 658
CurrentYear function, 87
Cursor Service, 618
CursorLocation property, 629
in ADO, 629
locations, 629–630
types, 630–631
unidirectional, 560–561, 566–567
CurValue property, 641–642
CustHint example, 183–184, 184
CustLookup example, 519, 519
custom attributes, 927–928
custom classes for streaming, 142–145
custom drawing technique, 185
custom method calls, 663–664
custom variant types, 94–95, 94
CustomConstraint property, 657
Customizable option, 244
CustomizeDlg component, 242, 244
CustomNodes example, 197–198, 199
CustQueP example, 774, 778–780, 780

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