Delphi Programming Guide
Delphi Programmer 

Menu  Table of contents

Part I - Foundations
  Chapter 1 – Delphi 7 and Its IDE
  Chapter 2 – The Delphi Programming Language
  Chapter 3 – The Run-Time Library
  Chapter 4 – Core Library classes
  Chapter 5 – Visual Controls
  Chapter 6 – Building the User Interface
  Chapter 7 – Working with Forms
Part II - Delphi Object-Oriented Architectures
  Chapter 8 – The Architecture of Delphi Applications
  Chapter 9 – Writing Delphi Components
  Chapter 10 – Libraries and Packages
  Chapter 11 – Modeling and OOP Programming (with ModelMaker)
  Chapter 12 – From COM to COM+
Part III - Delphi Database-Oriented Architectures
  Chapter 13 – Delphi's Database Architecture
  Chapter 14 – Client/Server with dbExpress
  Chapter 15 – Working with ADO
  Chapter 16 – Multitier DataSnap Applications
  Chapter 17 – Writing Database Components
  Chapter 18 – Reporting with Rave
Part IV - Delphi, the Internet, and a .NET Preview
  Chapter 19 – Internet Programming: Sockets and Indy
  Chapter 20 – Web Programming with WebBroker and WebSnap
  Chapter 21 – Web Programming with IntraWeb
  Chapter 22 – Using XML Technologies
  Chapter 23 – Web Services and SOAP
  Chapter 24 – The Microsoft .NET Architecture from the Delphi Perspective
  Chapter 25 – Delphi for .NET Preview: The Language and the RTL
  Appendix A – Extra Delphi Tools by the Author
  Appendix B – Extra Delphi Tools from Other Sources
  Appendix C – Free Companion Books on Delphi
  List of Figures    
  List of tables    
  List of Listings    
  List of Sidebars  

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D7RegClean.exe utility, 33
data access components, 725–726, 725
data-aware components, 728–730, 729
data-aware controls, 162, 515
DBNavigator, 516
graphical, 520
grids, 516
list-based, 517–518, 518
lookup, 519–520, 519
mimicking, 545–547, 545
replicable, 674
text-based, 516
data binding interfaces, 846–850, 847
data connections in Rave, 721–722, 722
data links, 669–671
for ADO, 621
record viewer component, 678–683, 682
Data Lookup Security option, 726
data modules, 535, 648
for COM+, 497
for WebSnap, 798–799
data packets, 651–652, 667–668
Data property
for OLE objects, 481
in TBucketList, 132
Data Text Editor, 728–729, 729
data types, COM, 478
Data View Dictionary, 717, 723
DataBand component, 726–727
Database Connections option in Rave, 726
Database Desktop tool, 33
Database Explorer tool, 33
database independence, 615
ADO for, 508
BDE for, 507, 615
client/server programming for. See client/server programming
ClientDataSet for. See ClientDataSet component
data-aware controls for. See data-aware controls
dbExpress library for, 506–507
design issues
entities and relations, 557–558
primary keys and OIDs, 558–560
error management for, 553–554
grids for, 540–544, 542–543
multitier. See DataSnap
platforms for, 567–569
reports for. See Rave
sending data over socket connections, 744–747, 747
standard controls, 544–545
data-aware-like, 545–547, 545
for sending requests, 547–549, 548
Web applications, 825–827, 827
client side, 831–832, 832
linking to details, 827–830, 828, 830
Web services for, 883–887, 887
WebSnap application, 798
data editing, 801–803, 802
data module for, 798–799
DataSetAdapter for, 799–801, 800
master/detail in, 803–805, 805
DataChange method, 673
DataClone example, 633, 633
DataCLX, 110–112
DataCycle component, 730
DataEvent method, 670
DataField property
for data-aware controls, 515, 669, 672
in Data Text Editor, 728–729
datagrams, 739
DataLinkDir function, 621
DataMemo component, 729
DataMirrorSection component, 732–733
DataRelation class, 646
DataSet component, See datasets and DataSet component
DataSet property
for ClientDataSet connections, 509
in DataSetTableProducer, 762
DataSetAdapter component, 794, 799–801, 800, 803–805, 805
DataSetPageProducer component, 759, 761–762, 776, 789
DataSetProvider component, 575, 653
DataSetReader class, 646
datasets and DataSet component, 520–524
actions in, 224, 516
class definitions for, 687–690
closing, 694–695
custom, 686–687
in dbExpress, 572–574, 573
directories in, 705–709, 709
fields of. See fields
in IBX, 592–593
initializing, 690–691
navigating, 536–540, 695–698, 696
bookmarks for, 537–538
editing columns, 539–540
totals of columns, 537, 537
of objects, 710–713, 713
opening, 690–694
record buffers in, 698–703
status of, 524–525
testing, 703–704, 704
DataSetTableProducer component, 759, 762–764, 763, 776, 791
DataSetToDOM method, 843–844
DataSnap, 647
ConnectionBroker in, 666
custom method calls in, 663–664
data packets in, 651–652, 667–668
example, 653
client features in, 659–662, 659, 661
first server, 653–655, 654
first thin client, 655–656, 656
server constraints in, 657–658
IAppServer interface for, 649–650
levels in, 647–649
master/detail relations in, 664–665, 665
object pooling in, 667
parametric queries in, 663, 663
protocols for, 650–651
provider options in, 666–667
SimpleObjectBroker in, 667
over SOAP, 889–892
support components for, 652–653
technical foundation of, 649
DataSource component, 575, 669
DataSource property
for data-aware controls, 515, 669
in SQLDataSet, 581
in TDataSet, 552
in TMdDbProgress, 672
DataTable class, 646
DataView property
in Data Text Editor, 729
in DataBand, 726
DateCopy example, 57–58
DateList example, 134–135
DateProp example, 51, 51
conversions with, 87
native formats for, 709
unit for, 91
DateTimeToNative function, 709
DateTimeToSQLTimeStamp function, 574
DateUtils unit, 91
DAX (Delphi ActiveX) framework, 112
DaysBetween function, 91
DbAware example, 517–518, 518
DBCheckBox component, 515, 517
DBComboBox component, 517
DBCtrlGrid component, 674
DBEdit component, 515–516
DBError example, 553–554
dbExpress Connection Editor, 571, 571
dbExpress Draft Specification, 567
dbExpress library, 506–507
client/server programming with, 566
components, 569–574, 571, 573
metadata in, 578–579, 579
parametric queries in, 579–581, 580–581
platforms and databases, 567–569
printing in, 581–584
single and multiple components with, 575–578, 577
unidirectional cursors, 566–567
dataset, 572–574, 573
SQLConnection, 569–574, 571
SQLMonitor, 574
drivers for, 567–569
dbGo package, 508, 616, 618–620, 619–620
DBGrid control, 515–516, 544
customizing, 683–686, 683
dragging with, 544
with multiple selections, 542–543, 543
painting, 540–542, 542
DBI files, 38
DBImage component, 520
DBListBox component, 517
DBLookupComboBox component, 518–519
DBLookupListBox component, 518
DBMemo component, 516
DBNavigator component, 515–516
DbProgr example, 673, 673
DBRadioGroup component, 517–518, 518
DBText component, 516
DbTrack example, 677, 677
DbxExplorer example, 579
DbxMulti example, 568, 575–578
DbxSingle example, 575–578, 577
DCC.exe tool, 33
dccil compiler, 900
DCI files, 37
DCOM (Distributed COM), 650
DCOMConnection component, 652, 655
DCOMConnection1 class, 655
DCP files, 35, 347
DCR (Delphi Component Resource) project type, 348
DCT files, 38
DCU (Delphi Compiled Unit) files, 30, 35, 338–339, 416
.dcua files, 906–907
.dcuil files, 906–907
DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange), 456
DDP (Delphi Diagram Portfolio) files, 35
debugger, 42
Debugger Options dialog box, 74
debugging, 33
and exceptions, 74
SOAP headers, 887–888, 888
in WebBroker technology, 772–774, 774
Decision Cube components, 112
declarations, external, 398, 406
_declspec declaration, 401
DecodeDateFully function, 87
DecompressStream function, 146
Decorator pattern, 449
DefAttributes property, 164
default exception handlers, 74
default keyword for styles, 343
default values for methods, 46
DefaultColumnWidth property, 680
DefaultDrawColumnCell method, 540
DefaultDrawing property, 540, 682
DefaultExpression property, 657
DefaultRowHeight property, 683, 685
DefaultStyle property, 219
DefaultTextLineBreakStyle variable, 85
DefaultTimeout property, 805
Define command in Fields editor, 526
DefineProperties method, 113, 187, 683
DefinePropertyPage method, 491
DefinePropertyPages method, 491
actions, 385–388
events and event handlers, 364–365
symbols, 156
external, 400
links to, 13
delayed signing, 917
delegates in CTS, 909–910
delegation in event handling, 124
Delete method, 128
delete operations, trigger firing from, 565
Delete1Click method, 209
Delphi ActiveX (DAX) framework, 112
Delphi Compiled Unit (DCU) files, 30, 35, 338–339, 416
Delphi compiler tool, 33
Delphi Component Palette, 287
Delphi Component Resource (DCR) project type, 348
Delphi Diagram Portfolio (DDP) files, 35
Delphi for .NET Preview, 900–902, 903, 919
ASP.NET with, 940–942, 942–943
class helpers in, 929–931
custom attributes in, 927–928
deprecated features for, 920–922
extended identifiers in, 924
final and sealed keywords in, 924–925
Microsoft libraries for, 934–940, 940
multicast events in, 926–927
nested types in, 926
run-time library for, 930–931
static members in, 925–926
unit namespaces in, 922–924
VCL for, 931–933, 933
visibility and access specifiers in, 925
Delphi internal messages, 374
Delphi language, 43–44
class references in, 76–78, 78
classes and objects in, 44–48
for components, 339
constructors in, 54–55
dynamic objects in, 47–48, 47
encapsulation in, 48
access specifiers for, 48–50, 60–62
and forms, 52–54, 53
with properties, 50–52, 51
exceptions in, 71–75, 76
inheritance in, 59–63, 60
interfaces in, 69–71
late binding in, 63–67, 64
type-safe down-casting in, 67–69
Delphi Power Book, 954
Delphi project (DPR) files, 39
DELPHI32.DCT file, 26
DelphiMM unit, 95–96
Delphree site, 952
delta caches, 652
Delta memory area, 514
delta packets, 651
Delta property, 585–586, 586
in aggregates, 550
in batch updates, 638
in ClientDataSet, 585–586, 586, 652
DEM files, 38
demoscript pages, 792–793, 792
dependencies, 339
in library selection, 155
in .NET architecture, 916–917, 917
deployment diagrams, 434
deprecated features, 920–922
descendant classes, 63
DESCRIPTION directive, 346
Description property, 353
design critics, 452
design-only component packages, 338
design patterns, 447–450
design-time packages, 338
design-time properties, 52
Designer page, 19, 280
Designer toolbar in Rave, 718
Desktop (DSK) files, 36, 39
desktop settings, saving, 5–6
Dessena, Nando, 600
Destination property, 249
DestParan property, 733
Destroy method, 55, 59, 912–914, 914
DestroyComponents method, 118
destroying objects, 58–59
destructors, 55, 59
DestructorTest class, 912–914, 914
DetailKey property, 731
details, linking, in Web databases, 827–830, 828, 830
Details view in Object Repository, 40
~DF files, 35
DFM files, 19, 33, 35, 38, 152–154
DFN files, 35
Diagram view, 16–18, 17–18
for classes, 431–432, 432–433
common elements in, 435–436, 436
non-UML, 435
for sequences, 433–434, 433
for use cases, 434
dialog actions, 224
dialog boxes, 280–281
creating, 282–287, 284–285
modeless, 285–287, 285
nonvisual, 378–381, 381
predefined, 287–289, 288
dialog menu items, 173
diamond symbol in Band Style Editor, 728
Difference view, 442–443, 443
digital clock, 349–352
DirDemo example, 709, 709
Direct Data View option, 726
Direct Driver View option, 726
direct form input, 259
keyboard, 259–261, 260
mouse, 261–265
direct memory access functions, 921
Direction property, 489
directives, 44, 347
for components, 347
in datasets, 705–709, 709
Directories/Conditionals page, 477
DisableCommit method, 497
DisableControls method, 538–539
DisabledImages property, 213
DisableIfNoHandler property, 223, 227
disabling aggregates, 551
disconnected recordsets, 642–643
dispatching calls in Automation, 468–470, 469
dispid keyword, 470
dispinterface keyword, 469–470, 472, 488
Display method, 422
DisplayFormat property, 658–659, 733
in DataSetTableProducer, 763
in TFloatField, 527, 532
DisplayLabel property, 527–528, 658
DisplayType property, 801
DisplayValues property, 658
DisplayWidth property, 528, 658
Dispose method, 912
Distributed COM (DCOM), 650
distribution of updated packages, 416
DivideTwicePlusOne example, 73–75
DivMod function, 89
DlgApply example, 285–287, 285
DllCanUnloadNow function, 461
DLLGetClassObject method, 460
DllMem example, 412–413
DllRegisterServer function, 461
DLLs (dynamic link libraries), 35, 397
for ActiveX controls, 484
C++, 401–402
calling, 406, 407, 408–410
creating, 402–406
dynamic linking in, 397–398
exporting strings from, 404–406
forms in, 410–411
with ISAPI, 769–770
in memory, 411–414, 415
overloaded functions in, 404
and packages, 30, 338, 345, 415–416
purpose of, 398–399
rules for, 399–400
using, 400–402, 402
wizards for, 41
DllUnregisterServer function, 461
DMT files, 37
doAutoIndent option, 842
DoChange method, 126–127
Dock method, 235
DockClientCount property, 235
DockClients property, 235
docking support, 234–235
in control bars, 235–239, 236
messages for, 376
for page controls, 239–241, 241
DockPage example, 239–241, 241
DockSite property, 234
DoConvert method, 98–99
DoCreate method, 330–331
document management in XML, 837–838, 840, 843, 846
Document Object Model (DOM)
programming with, 838–846, 840, 843, 846
XSL transformations with, 868–869
document type definitions (DTDs), 849
documentation in ModelMaker, 444–445, 444
DoDestroy method, 331
Does Not Support Transaction option, 495
DOF files, 28, 35
DOM (Document Object Model)
programming with, 838–846, 840, 843, 846
XSL transformations with, 868–869
domain names, 739
DomCreate example, 839, 842–846, 843, 846
DOMDocument property, 838
DOMPersist property, 836
DOMVendor property, 836
dot-notation for methods, 46
Double type, 478
DoVerb method, 481
down-casting, type-safe, 67–69
~DP files, 36
DPK files, 35, 345
DPKL files, 35
DPKW files, 35
DPR (Delphi project) files, 36, 39
dragging, 98
with DBGrid control, 544
with mouse, 262–265, 265
in Object TreeView, 23
source code files, 27
DragKind property, 234–235
DragMode property, 98
in TControl, 234–235
in TreeView, 195
DragToGrid example, 544
DragTree example, 194–197, 194
DrawCell method, 680–682
DrawColumnCell, 685–686
DrawData program, 540–542, 542
DrawFocusRect method, 264
with mouse, 262–265, 265
Rave components for, 725
DrawPoint method, 263
DrawText function, 209, 682
DriverName property, 570
drivers for dbExpress, 567–569
drivers.ini file, 569–570
Drivers Settings window, 571, 571
DRO files, 37
drop-down fonts, 21
drop procedure statement, 565
drop trigger statement, 566
DropdownMenu property, 213, 215
DropDownRows property, 516
DropDownWidth property, 519
dsBrowse value, 524
dsCalcFields value, 524
dsCurValue value, 524
dsEdit value, 524
dsFilter value, 524
dsInactive value, 524
dsInsert value, 524
DSIntf.pas unit, 510
DSK (Desktop) files, 36, 39
DSM files, 36
dsNewValue value, 524
dsOldValue value, 524
DST files, 6, 38
DTDs (document type definitions), 849
dual interfaces, 470
dual libraries support, 151–155, 152
DUnit architecture, 952
DynaCall example, 408–410
DynaForm example, 252–253, 253
dynamic aggregation of interfaces, 921
dynamic binding. See late binding
dynamic components, 47–48, 47
dynamic cursors, 631
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), 456
dynamic database reporting, 776–777, 777
dynamic link libraries. See DLLs (dynamic link libraries)
dynamic linking, 397–398
dynamic methods vs. virtual, 65–66
dynamic pages, 764–765
dynamic properties, 622
dynamic Web pages, 768
and CGI, 768–769, 769
DLLs, 769–770
DynaPackForm example, 419–420

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