![]() |
IndexIIAppServerOne interface, 654
IAppServerSOAP interface, 891
IB provider, 618
IB_WISQL tool, 564
IBClasses dataset, 610
IBClassReg dataset, 609–610
IBDatabase component, 592
IBDatabaseInfo component, 592
IBDataSet component, 592
IBEvents component, 592
IBM DB2 drivers, 567
IBPeopleReg dataset, 610
IBQuery component, 592
IBSQL component, 592
IBStoredProc component, 592
IBTable component, 592
IBTransaction component, 592
IBUpdateSQL component, 592
IBX. See InterBase Express (IBX)
IbxEmp example, 593–595
ICO files, 34
IComponentEditor interface, 393
IdAntiFreeze component, 738
IDAPI (Independent Database Application Programming Interface), 615
compiler messages, 9–10
Component Palette. See Component Palette
debugger, 42
desktop settings in, 5–6
editor. See editors
environment settings in, 6–7
Form Designer, 18–19
libraries in, 5
menus, 7
Object Inspector, 19–23
tools, 33–34
identifiers, 924
idle state, 302
IdMessage class, 748
IDockManager interface, 235
IDOMAttr interface, 838
IDOMDocument interface, 838
IDOMElement interface, 838
IDOMNode interface, 838
IDOMNodeList interface, 838
IDOMParseError interface, 836
IDOMText interface, 838
IdPop3 component, 748
IdSMTP component, 748
IdTCPClient component, 741
IdTCPServer component, 741
idThreadMgrDefault component, 738
idThreadMgrPool component, 738
$IF directive, 44
IFirstServer interface, 471–473
IFontDisp interface, 478
IFormOperations interface, 333
ignorableWarning method, 851
IIDs (interface IDs), 459
IISAM (Installable Indexed Sequential Access Method) drivers, 624
IL Disassembler (ildasm.exe), 908
ildasm.exe (IL Disassembler), 908
ImagEdit.exe tool, 33
IMdInform interface, 498
IMdWArrowX interface, 488
implementation diagrams, 434
Implementation File Update Wizard, 495
implicit transactions, 589
Import Source File dialog box, 438
Import Type Library dialog box, 477
ImportedConstraint property, 657
IN clause in SELECT, 628
in-place activation, 484
in-place editing, 480
in-place expansion of component references, 20
in-process servers, 457
Include method, 927
IncludePathURL property, 860
IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter function, 87
Increment property, 270
incremental searches, shortcut keys for, 16
indenting, shortcut keys for, 16
Independent Database Application Programming Interface (IDAPI), 615
IndexDefs property, 513
Indexing Service, 618
IndexOf method, 128
HTML. See HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
HTTP. See HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
Indy (Internet Direct) project, 951
INetXCustom, 859
InetXPageProducer editor, 863
infinite constants, 88
Infinity constant, 88
InflateRect function, 682
information hiding, 48
INI files, 331–332
initialization section, 473–474
InitializeControls method, 936–937
InitWidget method, 162
inline keyword, 325
inner transactions, 634–635
Input Mask editor, 164
InputBox function, 289
InputQuery function, 289
InquireSoap interface, 897
InRange function, 89
Insert command for records, 520
Insert method, 128
insert operations, trigger firing from, 565
InsertComponent method, 118–119
InsertObjectDialog method, 481
InsertRecord method, 701
inside-out activation, 484
Install COM+ Object dialog box, 495–496
Install Into New Application page, 496
Installable Indexed Sequential Access Method (IISAM) drivers, 624
instances, checking for, 307–310
InstanceSize method, 105
instancing in COM, 463
Integer type, 478
Integrated Development Environment. See IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
generators and triggers in, 565–566
history of, 562
IBX. See InterBase Express (IBX)
operation of, 561–562
real-world examples
case-insensitive searches, 602–603
locations and people, 603–605
lookup dialogs, 611–613
server-side programming in, 564–565
InterBase Objects program, 564
InterBase Workbench tool, 564
InterceptGUID property, 652
interface IDs (IIDs), 459
interface section, 400
Interfaced Component Reference model, 21
InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo method, 458
InterlockedDecrement function, 458
internal components in compound components, 349–350
internal instancing, 463
InternalCancel method, 712
InternalClose method, 694
InternalDelete method, 699
InternalEdit method, 712
InternalFieldDefs method, 710–711
InternalFirst method, 697
InternalGotoBookmark method, 697
InternalHandleException method, 703
InternalInitRecord method, 699
InternalLast method, 698
internally calculated fields, 513
InternalOpen method, 690–691
InternalRethinkHotkey method, 182
InternalScriptName property, 774
InternalSetToRecord method, 697
Internet, actions for, 224
HTML. See HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
HTTP. See HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
Internet Direct (Indy) project, 951
Internet programming, 737
HTML. See HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
HTTP. See HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
with sockets. See socket programming
Internet Server API (ISAPI), 769–770
InternetCloseHandle function, 755
InternetOpen function, 755
InternetOpenURL function, 755
InternetReadFile function, 755
Interop services, 908
interposer classes, 332–333
IntfColSel unit, 421–422
IntfFormPack package, 421–422
IntfFormPack2 package, 421
IntfPack example, 421
IntfPack package, 421
INTO clause in SELECT, 628
InTransaction property, 589
IntraWeb page, 810
IntToStr function, 85
INumber interface, 465
invalid areas, 266
Invalidate method, 266–267
InvalidateRect function, 267
InvalidateRegion function, 267
Invoke method, 468–469
IObjectContext interface, 497
IP addresses, 739
IPictureDisp interface, 478
IProduceContent interface, 772
IProperty interface, 388
is operator, 67–68
ISAPI (Internet Server API), 769–770
IsCallerInRole method, 497
IsConsole variable, 84
IsCursorOpen method, 695
IsDefaultPropertyValue function, 148
IsEqualGUID function, 87
IsInfinite function, 88
IsInTransaction method, 497
IsLibrary variable, 84
IsMultiThread variable, 84
IsNan function, 88
IsNull method, 703
isolation levels in transactions, 590
IsSecurityEnabled method, 497
IStrings interface, 478
IsUniDirectional function, 572
ISupportErrorInfo interface, 458
IsZero function, 89
ItemHeight property, 187
ItemProps property, 171
Items property
in ActionBars, 246
for fonts, 343
for images, 189
in ListBox, 167
in TBookMarkStr, 542
in TList, 133
in TreeView, 194
Items string list, 169
ItemsEx property, 169
IVBSAXContentHandler interface, 851
IVBSAXErrorHandler interface, 851
IW Component Park, 810
IWButton component, 811
IWChart component, 810
IWClientSideDataSet component, 831
IWClientSideDataSetDBLink component, 831
IWCSLabel component, 831
IWCSNavigator component, 831
IWDataModulePool component, 810
IWDialogs component, 810
IWDynamicChart component, 831
IWDynGrid component, 831
IWEdit component, 811
IWGranPrimo component, 810
IWLayoutMgrHTML component, 824
IWListbox component, 811
IWModuleController component, 823
IWOpenSource component, 810
IWPageProducer component, 823
IWServerControllerBaseNewSession method, 822
IWTranslator component, 810
IXMLDocumentAccess interface, 836
IXMLNode interface, 839
IXMLNodeCollection interface, 839
IXMLNodeList interface, 839
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