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Delphi Sources

Масштабирование изображения

Оформил: DeeCo

  Here is the routine I use in my thumbnail component and I belive it is quite 
  A tip to gain faster loading of jpegs is to use the TJpegScale.Scale 
  property. You can gain a lot by using this correct. 

  This routine can only downscale images no upscaling is supported and you 
  must correctly set the dest image size. The src.image will be scaled to fit 
  in dest bitmap. 

  FThumbSize = 150;

 //Speed up by Renate Schaaf, Armido, Gary Williams... 
procedure MakeThumbNail(src, dest: tBitmap);
   PRGB24 = ^TRGB24;
   TRGB24 = packed record
     B: Byte;
     G: Byte;
     R: Byte;
   x, y, ix, iy: integer;
   x1, x2, x3: integer;

   xscale, yscale: single;
   iRed, iGrn, iBlu, iRatio: Longword;
   p, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5: tRGB24;
   pt, pt1: pRGB24;
   iSrc, iDst, s1: integer;
   i, j, r, g, b, tmpY: integer;

   RowDest, RowSource, RowSourceStart: integer;
   w, h: integer;
   dxmin, dymin: integer;
   ny1, ny2, ny3: integer;
   dx, dy: integer;
   lutX, lutY: array of integer;

   if src.PixelFormat <> pf24bit then src.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
   if dest.PixelFormat <> pf24bit then dest.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
   w := Dest.Width;
   h := Dest.Height;

   if (src.Width <= FThumbSize) and (src.Height <= FThumbSize) then

   iDst := (w * 24 + 31) and not 31;
   iDst := iDst div 8; //BytesPerScanline 
  iSrc := (Src.Width * 24 + 31) and not 31;
   iSrc := iSrc div 8;

   xscale := 1 / (w / src.Width);
   yscale := 1 / (h / src.Height);

   // X lookup table 
  SetLength(lutX, w);
   x1 := 0;
   x2 := trunc(xscale);
   for x := 0 to w - 1 do
     lutX[x] := x2 - x1;
     x1 := x2;
     x2 := trunc((x + 2) * xscale);

   // Y lookup table 
  SetLength(lutY, h);
   x1 := 0;
   x2 := trunc(yscale);
   for x := 0 to h - 1 do
     lutY[x] := x2 - x1;
     x1 := x2;
     x2 := trunc((x + 2) * yscale);

   RowDest := integer(Dest.Scanline[0]);
   RowSourceStart := integer(Src.Scanline[0]);
   RowSource := RowSourceStart;
   for y := 0 to h do
     dy := lutY[y];
     x1 := 0;
     x3 := 0;
     for x := 0 to w do
       dx:= lutX[x];
       iRed:= 0;
       iGrn:= 0;
       iBlu:= 0;
       RowSource := RowSourceStart;
       for iy := 1 to dy do
         pt := PRGB24(RowSource + x1);
         for ix := 1 to dx do
           iRed := iRed + pt.R;
           iGrn := iGrn + pt.G;
           iBlu := iBlu + pt.B;
         RowSource := RowSource - iSrc;
       iRatio := 65535 div (dx * dy);
       pt1 := PRGB24(RowDest + x3);
       pt1.R := (iRed * iRatio) shr 16;
       pt1.G := (iGrn * iRatio) shr 16;
       pt1.B := (iBlu * iRatio) shr 16;
       x1 := x1 + 3 * dx;
     RowDest := RowDest - iDst;
     RowSourceStart := RowSource;

   if dest.Height < 3 then exit;

   // Sharpening... 
  s1 := integer(dest.ScanLine[0]);
   iDst := integer(dest.ScanLine[1]) - s1;
   ny1 := Integer(s1);
   ny2 := ny1 + iDst;
   ny3 := ny2 + iDst;
   for y := 1 to dest.Height - 2 do
     for x := 0 to dest.Width - 3 do
       x1 := x * 3;
       x2 := x1 + 3;
       x3 := x1 + 6;

       c1 := pRGB24(ny1 + x1)^;
       c2 := pRGB24(ny1 + x3)^;
       c3 := pRGB24(ny2 + x2)^;
       c4 := pRGB24(ny3 + x1)^;
       c5 := pRGB24(ny3 + x3)^;

       r := (c1.R + c2.R + (c3.R * -12) + c4.R + c5.R) div -8;
       g := (c1.G + c2.G + (c3.G * -12) + c4.G + c5.G) div -8;
       b := (c1.B + c2.B + (c3.B * -12) + c4.B + c5.B) div -8;

       if r < 0 then r := 0 else if r > 255 then r := 255;
       if g < 0 then g := 0 else if g > 255 then g := 255;
       if b < 0 then b := 0 else if b > 255 then b := 255;

       pt1 := pRGB24(ny2 + x2);
       pt1.R := r;
       pt1.G := g;
       pt1.B := b;
     inc(ny1, iDst);
     inc(ny2, iDst);
     inc(ny3, iDst);

Похожие по теме исходники

Изменение цвета изображения

TGIFImage (GIF изображения)

Поворот изображения

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