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Delphi Sources

Получить специфическую для DLL информацию о версии

Оформил: DeeCo

** DllGetVersion Function ** 


  Implemented by many of the Microsoft® Windows® Shell dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) to 
  allow applications to obtain DLL-specific version information. 

  Using DllGetVersion to Determine the Version Number 
  Starting with version 4.71, the Shell and common controls DLLs, among others, 
  began exporting DllGetVersion. 
  This function can be called by an application to determine which DLL 
  version is present on the system. It returns a structure that contains version information. 

  Note  DLLs do not necessarily export DllGetVersion. Always test for it 
  before attempting to use it. 
  For systems earlier than Windows 2000, DllGetVersion returns a DLLVERSIONINFO structure 
  that contains the major and minor version numbers, the build number, 
  and a platform identifier (ID). 
  For Windows 2000 and later systems, DllGetVersion might instead return a 
  DLLVERSIONINFO2 structure. This structure contains the QFE number that identifies 
  the service pack and provides a more robust way to compare version numbers than DLLVERSIONINFO. 
  Because the first member of DLLVERSIONINFO2 is a DLLVERSIONINFO structure, 
  the new structure is backward-compatible. 

 // DLLVERSIONINFO structure 
     cbSize,   // Size of the structure, in bytes. 
    dwMajorVersion, // Major version of the DLL 
    dwMinorVersion, // Minor version of the DLL 
    dwBuildNumber, // Build number of the DLL 
    dwPlatformID: DWord; // Identifies the platform for which the DLL was built 

   DllGetVersion: function(dvi: PDLLVerInfo): PDLLVerInfo; stdcall;

 function GetDllVersion(DllName: string; var DLLVersionInfo: TDLLVersionInfo): Boolean;
   hInstDll: THandle;
   p: pDLLVerInfo;
   Result := False;
   // Get a handle to the DLL module. 
  // das Handle zum DLL Modul ermitteln. 
  hInstDll := LoadLibrary(PChar(DllName));
   if (hInstDll = 0) then Exit;
   // Return the address of the specified exported (DLL) function. 
  // Adresse der Dll-Funktion ermitteln 
  @DllGetVersion := GetProcAddress(hInstDll, 'DllGetVersion');
   // If the handle is not valid, clean up an exit. 
  // Wenn das Handle ungьltig ist, wird die Funktion verlassen 
  if (@DllGetVersion) = nil then

     ZeroMemory(p, SizeOf(p^));
     p^.cbSize := SizeOf(p^);

     // Call the DllGetVersion function 
    // Die DllGetVersion() Funktion aufrufen 
     DLLVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion := p^.dwMajorVersion;
     DLLVersionInfo.dwMinorVersion := p^.dwMinorVersion;

     @DllGetVersion := nil;
     Result := True;
  // Free the DLL module. 
 // Dll wieder freigeben. 

 // Example to get version info from comctl32.dll 
// Beispiel, um von comctl32 Versions/Informationen zu erhalten 

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
   DLLVersionInfo: TDLLVersionInfo;
  if not GetDllVersion('comctl32.dll',DLLVersionInfo) then
    DLLVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion := 4;
    DLLVersionInfo.dwMinorVersion := 0;
  with DLLVersionInfo do
    ShowMessage(Format('ComCtl Version: %d.%d / Build: %d',[dwMajorVersion, dwMinorVersion, dwBuildNumber]))

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