Недавно добавленные исходники

•  DeLiKaTeS Tetris (Тетрис)  2 189

•  TDictionary Custom Sort  4 513

•  Fast Watermark Sources  4 272

•  3D Designer  6 495

•  Sik Screen Capture  4 529

•  Patch Maker  5 044

•  Айболит (remote control)  5 010

•  ListBox Drag & Drop  3 989

•  Доска для игры Реверси  91 917

•  Графические эффекты  5 215

•  Рисование по маске  4 269

•  Перетаскивание изображений  3 530

•  Canvas Drawing  3 886

•  Рисование Луны  3 643

•  Поворот изображения  3 192

•  Рисование стержней  2 820

•  Paint on Shape  2 111

•  Генератор кроссвордов  2 909

•  Головоломка Paletto  2 302

•  Теорема Монжа об окружностях  3 048



Каталог исходников

  Базы данных
  Графика & Мультимедиа
  Сети & Интернет

HabLance - биржа фриланса



Delphi Sources - Delphi: программы, исходники, серийники

Delphi Sources - Delphi: программы, исходники, серийники



Donations on support and development of the Delphi Sources project.
The huge request with understanding to concern to written below.

DelphiSources.ru – non-commercial project, developing exclusively on my personal enthusiasm. Unfortunately it is necessary to pay for a good web-hosting, therefore I as the administrator of the project with pleasure shall accept any donations which will be directed on the further development of a web-site.

If you decide to translate any amount to support of Delphi Sources, in this case it's possible at several ways, resulted below.

Donations through system PayPal

   The transfer of the money possible to realize having pressed on button "PayPal Donate" and follow the further system instruction.

Donate in USD

Donate in Euro

If you had questions or wishes, you can communicate with me by means of this form.

Thank you for support!




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