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Api Bitmap память окно
В общем суть вопроса: есть битмап, хранящийся в памяти по указателю Pointer, есть хэндл нужного окна, вопрос, как отрисовать картинку в окне, используя только АПИ функции
п.с. пытался выдрать ReadDIB, но ни к чему хорошему это не привело. Код:
procedure ReadDIB(Stream: Pointer; ImageSize: LongWord; bmf: PBitmapFileHeader); var ReadPos:cardinal; procedure Read(var Buf;Count:integer); begin Move(Pointer(Cardinal(Stream)+ReadPos)^,Buf,Count); inc(ReadPos,Count); end; function GetDInColors(BitCount: Word): Integer; begin case BitCount of 1, 4, 8: Result := 1 shl BitCount; else Result := 0; end; end; procedure RGBTripleToQuad(var ColorTable); type PRGBTripleArray = ^TRGBTripleArray; TRGBTripleArray = array [Byte] of TRGBTriple; PRGBQuadArray = ^TRGBQuadArray; TRGBQuadArray = array [Byte] of TRGBQuad; var I: Integer; P3: PRGBTripleArray; P4: PRGBQuadArray; begin P3 := PRGBTripleArray(@ColorTable); P4 := Pointer(P3); for I := 255 downto 1 do // don't move zeroth item with P4^[i], P3^[i] do begin // order is significant for last item moved rgbRed := rgbtRed; rgbGreen := rgbtGreen; rgbBlue := rgbtBlue; rgbReserved := 0; end; P4^[0].rgbReserved := 0; end; function SystemPaletteOverride(var Pal: TMaxLogPalette): Boolean; var DC: HDC; SysPalSize: Integer; begin Result := False; if SystemPalette16 <> 0 then begin DC := GetDC(0); try SysPalSize := GetDeviceCaps(DC, SIZEPALETTE); if SysPalSize >= 16 then begin { Ignore the disk image of the palette for 16 color bitmaps. Replace with the first and last 8 colors of the system palette } GetPaletteEntries(SystemPalette16, 0, 8, Pal.palPalEntry); GetPaletteEntries(SystemPalette16, 8, 8, Pal.palPalEntry[Pal.palNumEntries - 8]); Result := True; end finally ReleaseDC(0,DC); end; end; end; procedure ByteSwapColors(var Colors; Count: Integer); var // convert RGB to BGR and vice-versa. TRGBQuad <-> TPaletteEntry SysInfo: TSystemInfo; begin GetSystemInfo(SysInfo); asm MOV EDX, Colors MOV ECX, Count DEC ECX JS @@END LEA EAX, SysInfo CMP [EAX].TSystemInfo.wProcessorLevel, 3 JE @@386 @@1: MOV EAX, [EDX+ECX*4] BSWAP EAX SHR EAX,8 MOV [EDX+ECX*4],EAX DEC ECX JNS @@1 JMP @@END @@386: PUSH EBX @@2: XOR EBX,EBX MOV EAX, [EDX+ECX*4] MOV BH, AL MOV BL, AH SHR EAX,16 SHL EBX,8 MOV BL, AL MOV [EDX+ECX*4],EBX DEC ECX JNS @@2 POP EBX @@END: end; end; function PaletteFromDIBColorTable(DIBHandle: THandle; ColorTable: Pointer; ColorCount: Integer): HPalette; var DC: HDC; Save: THandle; Pal: TMaxLogPalette; begin Result := 0; Pal.palVersion := $300; if DIBHandle <> 0 then begin DC := CreateCompatibleDC(0); Save := SelectObject(DC, DIBHandle); Pal.palNumEntries := GetDIBColorTable(DC, 0, 256, Pal.palPalEntry); SelectObject(DC, Save); DeleteDC(DC); end else begin Pal.palNumEntries := ColorCount; Move(ColorTable^, Pal.palPalEntry, ColorCount * 4); end; if Pal.palNumEntries = 0 then Exit; if (Pal.palNumEntries <> 16) or not SystemPaletteOverride(Pal) then ByteSwapColors(Pal.palPalEntry, Pal.palNumEntries); Result := CreatePalette(PLogPalette(@Pal)^); end; const DIBPalSizes: array [Boolean] of Byte = (sizeof(TRGBQuad), sizeof(TRGBTriple)); var DC, MemDC: HDC; BitsMem: Pointer; OS2Header: TBitmapCoreHeader; BitmapInfo: PBitmapInfo; ColorTable: Pointer; HeaderSize: Integer; OS2Format: Boolean; BMHandle, OldBMP: HBITMAP; DIB: TDIBSection; Pal, OldPal: HPalette; // RLEStream: TStream; vbmf: TBitmapFileHeader; {$IFDEF LINUX} I: Integer; {$ENDIF} begin Pal := 0; BMHandle := 0; // RLEStream := nil; ReadPos:=0; Read(HeaderSize, sizeof(HeaderSize)); OS2Format := HeaderSize = sizeof(OS2Header); if OS2Format then HeaderSize := sizeof(TBitmapInfoHeader); GetMem(BitmapInfo, HeaderSize + 12 + 256 * sizeof(TRGBQuad)); with BitmapInfo^ do try try if OS2Format then // convert OS2 DIB to Win DIB begin Read(Pointer(Longint(@OS2Header) + sizeof(HeaderSize))^, sizeof(OS2Header) - sizeof(HeaderSize)); FillChar(bmiHeader, sizeof(bmiHeader), 0); with bmiHeader, OS2Header do begin biWidth := bcWidth; biHeight := bcHeight; biPlanes := bcPlanes; biBitCount := bcBitCount; end; Dec(ImageSize, sizeof(OS2Header)); end else begin // support bitmap headers larger than TBitmapInfoHeader Read(Pointer(Longint(BitmapInfo) + sizeof(HeaderSize))^, HeaderSize - sizeof(HeaderSize)); Dec(ImageSize, HeaderSize); if (bmiHeader.biCompression <> BI_BITFIELDS) and (bmiHeader.biCompression <> BI_RGB) then begin // Preserve funky non-DIB data (like RLE) until modified // source stream could be unidirectional. don't reverse seek if bmf = nil then begin FillChar(vbmf, sizeof(vbmf), 0); vbmf.bfType := $4D42; vbmf.bfSize := ImageSize + Cardinal(HeaderSize); bmf := @vbmf; end; end; end; with bmiHeader do begin biSize := HeaderSize; ColorTable := Pointer(Longint(BitmapInfo) + HeaderSize); { check number of planes. DIBs must be 1 color plane (packed pixels) } if biPlanes <> 1 then exit;//InvalidBitmap; // 3 DWORD color element bit masks (ie 888 or 565) can precede colors // TBitmapInfoHeader sucessors include these masks in the headersize if (HeaderSize = sizeof(TBitmapInfoHeader)) and ((biBitCount = 16) or (biBitCount = 32)) and (biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS) then begin Read(ColorTable^, 3 * sizeof(DWORD)); Inc(Longint(ColorTable), 3 * sizeof(DWORD)); Dec(ImageSize, 3 * sizeof(DWORD)); end; // Read the color palette if biClrUsed = 0 then biClrUsed := GetDInColors(biBitCount); Read(ColorTable^, biClrUsed * DIBPalSizes[OS2Format]); Dec(ImageSize, biClrUsed * DIBPalSizes[OS2Format]); // biSizeImage can be zero. If zero, compute the size. if biSizeImage = 0 then // top-down DIBs have negative height biSizeImage := BytesPerScanLine(biWidth, biBitCount, 32) * Abs(biHeight); if biSizeImage < ImageSize then ImageSize := biSizeImage; end; { convert OS2 color table to DIB color table } if OS2Format then RGBTripleToQuad(ColorTable^); DC := GetDC(0); try if ((bmiHeader.biCompression <> BI_RGB) and (bmiHeader.biCompression <> BI_BITFIELDS)) or DDBsOnly then begin MemDC := 0; GetMem(BitsMem, ImageSize); try Read(BitsMem^, ImageSize); MemDC := CreateCompatibleDC(DC); OldBMP := SelectObject(MemDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap(DC, 1, 1)); OldPal := 0; if bmiHeader.biClrUsed > 0 then begin Pal := PaletteFromDIBColorTable(0, ColorTable, bmiHeader.biClrUsed); OldPal := SelectPalette(MemDC, Pal, False); RealizePalette(MemDC); end; try BMHandle := CreateDIBitmap(MemDC, BitmapInfo^.bmiHeader, CBM_INIT, BitsMem, BitmapInfo^, DIB_RGB_COLORS); if (BMHandle = 0) then if GetLastError = 0 then exit{InvalidBitmap} else RaiseLastOSError; finally if OldPal <> 0 then SelectPalette(MemDC, OldPal, True); DeleteObject(SelectObject(MemDC, OldBMP)); end; finally if MemDC <> 0 then DeleteDC(MemDC); FreeMem(BitsMem); end; end else begin BMHandle := CreateDIBSection(DC, BitmapInfo^, DIB_RGB_COLORS, BitsMem, 0, 0); if (BMHandle = 0) or (BitsMem = nil) then if GetLastError = 0 then exit{InvalidBitmap} else RaiseLastOSError; try Read(BitsMem^, ImageSize); except DeleteObject(BMHandle); raise; end; end; finally ReleaseDC(0, DC); end; // Hi-color DIBs don't preserve color table, so create palette now if (bmiHeader.biBitCount > 8) and (bmiHeader.biClrUsed > 0) and (Pal = 0)then Pal := PaletteFromDIBColorTable(0, ColorTable, bmiHeader.biClrUsed); FillChar(DIB, sizeof(DIB), 0); GetObject(BMHandle, Sizeof(DIB), @DIB); // GetObject / CreateDIBSection don't preserve these info values DIB.dsBmih.biXPelsPerMeter := bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter; DIB.dsBmih.biYPelsPerMeter := bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter; DIB.dsBmih.biClrUsed := bmiHeader.biClrUsed; DIB.dsBmih.biClrImportant := bmiHeader.biClrImportant; except raise; end; finally FreeMem(BitmapInfo); end; end; в результате получаю BMHandle, Pal, DIB, OS2Format но дальше ничего апишного на ум не приходит, не знаю как впихнуть их в нужный хендл, хотя может просто туплю, помогите) |