Разъясние плиз или где достать описание незначительных ошибок.
а то по мере написания программы у меня возникло их куча. [Warning] PurgerPas.pas(7): Unit 'FileCtrl' is specific to a platform [Warning] PurgerPas.pas(8): Unit 'ShellCtrls' is specific to a platform [Hint] XiTrackBar.pas(89): Overriding virtual method 'TXiTrackBar.Create' has lower visibility (protected) than base class 'TCustomControl' (public) [Warning] XiTrackBar.pas(336): Variable 'ThumbFaceColor' might not have been initialized [Warning] XiTrackBar.pas(336): Variable 'ThumbGradColor' might not have been initialized [Warning] XiTrackBar.pas(339): Variable 'ThumbBorderColor' might not have been initialized [Warning] XiTrackBar.pas(742): Variable 'Steps' might not have been initialized [Hint] XiTrackBar.pas(79): Private symbol 'SetThumbLength' declared but never used [Hint] XiTrackBar.pas(80): Private symbol 'SetThumbWidth' declared but never used [Warning] FBrowser.pas(7): Unit 'Outline' is deprecated [Warning] FBrowser.pas(7): Unit 'FileCtrl' is specific to a platform [Hint] slider.pas(197): Overriding virtual method 'TSliderThumb.Create' has lower visibility (protected) than base class 'TCustomControl' (public) [Hint] slider.pas(198): Overriding virtual method 'TSliderThumb.Destroy' has lower visibility (protected) than base class 'TCustomControl' (public) И чего с ними делать фиг знает. Но напрягает! |
[Warning] XiTrackBar.pas(336): Variable 'ThumbFaceColor' might not have been initialized - переменная может быть не инициализирована или [Hint] XiTrackBar.pas(79): Private symbol 'SetThumbLength' declared but never used - переменная объявлена, но нигде не используется и т.д. Последний раз редактировалось Decoding, 23.01.2007 в 21:51. |