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Старый 11.07.2010, 12:28
Аватар для NumLock
NumLock NumLock вне форума
Let Me Show You
Регистрация: 30.04.2010
Адрес: Северодвинск
Сообщения: 5,426
Версия Delphi: 7, XE5
Репутация: 59586
По умолчанию

MyIcon: TIcon;
MyIcon := TIcon. Create;
MyIcon.Handle := ExtractIcon(hInstance, 'MYPROG.EXE', 0)
{Здесь можно что-нибудь сделать с иконкой}
Если можно просто извлечь, значит так же просто, можно и поменять!!!
это не есть факт!!!
unit acWorkRes;


uses Windows;

function BeginUpdateResourceW (fileName       : PWideChar;
                               delExistingRes : bool     ) : dword; stdcall;

function EndUpdateResourceW (update  : dword;
                             discard : bool ) : bool; stdcall;

function UpdateResourceW (update   : dword;
                          type_    : PWideChar;
                          name     : PWideChar;
                          language : word;
                          data     : pointer;
                          size     : dword    ) : bool; stdcall;

function BeginUpdateResourceS(const Filename: String; const delExistingRes: Boolean): DWORD; stdcall;
function ReplaceIconGroupResourceS(const hUpdate: DWORD; const Name: PChar; const Language: Word; const IconFile: String): Boolean; stdcall;
function EndUpdateResource(const hUpdate: DWORD; const Discard: Boolean): Boolean; stdcall;

function GetResourceW (update   : dword;
                       type_    : PWideChar;
                       name     : PWideChar;
                       language : word;
                       var data : pointer;
                       var size : dword    ) : bool; stdcall;


  TPIconGroup = ^TIconGroup;
  TIconGroup = packed record
    reserved  : word;
    type_     : word;  
    itemCount : word;
    items     : array [0..maxInt shr 4 - 1] of packed record
                  width     : byte;  
                  height    : byte;
                  colors    : byte;  
                  reserved  : byte;
                  planes    : word;
                  bitCount  : word;
                  imageSize : dword;
                  id        : word;  

  TPIcoHeader = ^TIcoHeader;
  TIcoHeader = packed record
    reserved  : word;
    type_     : word;  
    itemCount : word;
    items     : array [0..maxInt shr 4 - 1] of packed record
                  width     : byte;   
                  height    : byte;
                  colors    : byte;   // 0 for 256+ colors
                  reserved  : byte;
                  planes    : word;
                  bitCount  : word;
                  imageSize : dword;
                  offset    : dword;  // data offset in ico file

// get the specified icon group resource header
function GetIconGroupResourceW (update        : dword;
                                name          : PWideChar;
                                language      : word;
                                var iconGroup : TPIconGroup) : bool; stdcall;

// save the specified icon group resource to an ico file
function SaveIconGroupResourceW (update   : dword;
                                 name     : PWideChar;
                                 language : word;
                                 icoFile  : PWideChar) : bool; stdcall;

// load the specified ico file into the resources
// if the icon group with the specified already exists, it gets fully replaced
function LoadIconGroupResourceW (update   : dword;
                                 name     : PWideChar;
                                 language : word;
                                 icoFile  : PWideChar) : bool;  stdcall;

// delete the whole icon group including all referenced icons
function DeleteIconGroupResourceW (update   : dword;
                                   name     : PWideChar;
                                   language : word     ) : bool; stdcall;

// ***************************************************************
// bitmap specific functions

// save the specified bitmap resource to a bmp file
function SaveBitmapResourceW (update   : dword;
                              name     : PWideChar;
                              language : word;
                              bmpFile  : PWideChar) : bool; stdcall;

// load the specified bmp file into the resources
function LoadBitmapResourceW (update   : dword;
                              name     : PWideChar;
                              language : word;
                              bmpFile  : PWideChar) : bool; stdcall;

// ***************************************************************

////////////////////////////////// Alx ///////////////////////////
  notLang: Boolean = False;

function GetImageNtHeaders(module: dword) : PImageNtHeaders;

function IntToHexEx(value    : integer;
                    minLen   : integer = 1;
                    fillChar : char    = '0') : string; overload;

function SaveIconGroupResource(update:  dword;
                               name:    PWideChar;
                               icoFile: PWideChar) : bool; stdcall;

function GetNameIcon(update: dword; ind: Integer) : WideString; stdcall;



<опущено 30Кб>

это я и хотел сказать)
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