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Delphi Sources

Создать Terminal Services Client

Оформил: DeeCo

"WINDOWS2000 SERVER" / "WINDOWS XP" terminal services are very important in a computer  
network: each client computer can emulate server's desktop by using a simple executable  
named "mstsc.exe". This executable uses the ActiveX control "MStscax" defined in  
These files are automatically installed in Windows XP and Windows 2000 Server but not  
in Windows2000 Professional or Windows98. You can download the entire package containing 
these file at the following url:  


After downloading the executable "tsmsisetup.exe", run it to unpack. Now let's 
take into consideration the folder "System32": this is the folder containing  
"mstsc.exe" and "mstscax.dll". 
Now register the ActiveX control "MsTscAx": 

  2)type the following command line: regsvr32 <path to mstscax.dll>\mstscax.dll 

where <path to mstscax.dll> is the complete path to the file "mstscax.dll". 
In this article I will show you how to embed the ActiveX control "MsTscAx"  
in a Delphi application in order to build a substitute of "mstsc.exe".  

First of all you must import the ActiveX control "mstscax": 
in the Delphi IDE: 
1)Component->Import ActiveX Control 
2)Select "Microsoft Terminal Services Control"  
  the class name will be "TMsTscAx" 
3)Select the unit dir name and press "Create Unit": you have created the import Unit. 
4)Create a package or select an existing one and add the created unit to this package 
  Recompile the package and now delphi palette will contain (in the ActiveX tab if you 
  haven't changed it in the importing process) the MstScax component. 

Now create a new Delphi project and add the Mstscax component to it. 
Let's go to analize the interesting properties of this new component:  

1)Server: this is the IP of the Windows2000 Server computer whose desktop we want 
  to emulate 
  1 if you want to cache Bitmaps or 0 otherwise  
  1 if you want to cache data or 0 otherwise   

With the "Connect" method I open a terminal emulation session. 
With the "Disconnect" method I disconnect from a terminal emulation session but the 
session itself isn't closed on the server. 

Another important feature of "Client Terminal Service" is the ability to define a 
program that automatically run when the client machine opens a terminal  
emulation session. You can programatically achieve this target in this manner: 

Set_StartProgram(<Path to Exe>\<Exe filename>); 

Once defined an automatically running program, the client computer will see a remote 
desktop which is clear except for the presence of the program itself; this is 
useful if you want to restrict the operative range of your client computers to the  
program itself. When the program is closed, the connection is closed and the session 
on the windows 2000 server computer is closed. 

this is the code of my example project: 

 unit Main;


   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
   OleCtrls, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls,
   MSTSCLib_TLB;//the import Unit: substitute it with the name you assigned 
               //during the import process if this is different to it 

   TForm1 = class(TForm)
     MsTscAx1: TMsTscAx;
     Panel1: TPanel;
     btConnect: TButton;
     procedure btConnectClick(Sender: TObject); //connection button 
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
     procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
     procedure MsTscAx1Disconnected(Sender: TObject;
       DisconnectReason: Integer);
     procedure MsTscAx1Connecting(Sender: TObject);
     { Private declarations }
     { Public declarations }

   Form1: TForm1;


 {$R *.DFM}

 procedure TForm1.btConnectClick(Sender: TObject);

 procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
   Left   := 0;
   Top    := 0;
   Height := Screen.Height - 20;
   Width  := Screen.Width;

   MsTscAx1.Server := ''; //substitute it with the IP Address of your server  
  with MsTscAx1.AdvancedSettings do
     BitmapPeristence := 1;//enable bitmap cache 
    Compress         := 1;//enable data cache 
   with MsTscAx1.SecuredSettings do
     //the program I want to run  

 procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
   if not btConnect.Enabled then
    //I must close the automatically running program before closing 
  //my terminal emulation program 
     MessageDlg('Close "DbBrowser.exe" before closing the application!',
       mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);
     Action := caNone;

 procedure TForm1.MsTscAx1Disconnected(Sender: TObject;
   DisconnectReason: Integer);
   btConnect.Enabled := True;

 procedure TForm1.MsTscAx1Connecting(Sender: TObject);
   btConnect.Enabled := False;


In order to run this application in another computer you must copy the file 
"mstscax.dll" on the target  
computer and register it with "regsvr32" as shown at the beginning of this 
article. You can automate this 
process by embedding the file in your executable, etc.. 

Carlo Pasolini, Riccione(Italy), ccpasolini@libero.it 

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Services, Users Groups, Remote Install

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