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Delphi Sources

Скопировать HTML-код в буфер обмена

Оформил: DeeCo

  If you've ever tried sticking html into the clipboard using the usual CF_TEXT 
  format then you might have been disappointed to discover that wysiwyg html 
  editors paste your offering as if it were just text, 
  rather than recognising it as html. For that you need the CF_HTML format. 
  CF_HTML is entirely text format and uses the transformation format UTF-8. 
  It includes a description, a context, and within the context, the fragment. 

  As you may know one can place multiple items of data onto the clipboard for 
  a single clipboard entry, which means that the same data can be pasted in a 
  variety of different formats in order to cope with target 
  applications of varying sophistocation. 

  The following example shows how to stick CF_TEXT (and CF_HTML) 
  into the clipboard. 

  Vielleicht hast du schon mal probiert, HTML-formatierter Text in die 
  Zwischenablage zu kopieren mit dem gewцhnlichen CF_TEXT Format. 
  Wenn man dann z.B in Word (Bearbeiten, Inhalte Einfьgen) auswдhlt, 
  gibt's das HTML Format aber nicht zur Auswahl. 
  Lцsung: Mit RegisterClipboardFormat das Format CF_HTML registrieren, 
  dann einen String so formatieren, wie es auf der Microsoft Seite beschrieben 
  ist (Siehe Link unten) und ihn dann mit der SetClipboardData API in 
  die Zwischenablage kopieren. 
  Das folgende Beispiel zeigt, wie man zwei verschiedene Formate (Text und HTML) 
  in die Zwischenablage einfьgen kann. 

 function FormatHTMLClipboardHeader(HTMLText: string): string;
   CrLf = #13#10;
  Result := 'Version:0.9' + CrLf;
   Result := Result + 'StartHTML:-1' + CrLf;
   Result := Result + 'EndHTML:-1' + CrLf;
   Result := Result + 'StartFragment:000081' + CrLf;
   Result := Result + 'EndFragment:°°°°°°' + CrLf;
   Result := Result + HTMLText + CrLf;
   Result := StringReplace(Result, '°°°°°°', Format('%.6d', [Length(Result)]), []);

 //The second parameter is optional and is put into the clipboard as CF_HTML. 
//Function can be used standalone or in conjunction with the VCL clipboard so long as 
//you use the USEVCLCLIPBOARD conditional define 
//(and clipboard.open, clipboard.close). 
//Code from http://www.lorriman.com 
procedure CopyHTMLToClipBoard(const str: string; const htmlStr: string = '');
   gMem: HGLOBAL;
   lp: PChar;
   Strings: array[0..1] of string;
   Formats: array[0..1] of UINT;
   i: Integer;
   gMem := 0;
     //most descriptive first as per api docs 
    Strings[0] := FormatHTMLClipboardHeader(htmlStr);
     Strings[1] := str;
     Formats[0] := RegisterClipboardFormat('HTML Format');
     Formats[1] := CF_TEXT;
     for i := 0 to High(Strings) do
       if Strings[i] = '' then Continue;
       //an extra "1" for the null terminator 
      gMem := GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE + GMEM_MOVEABLE, Length(Strings[i]) + 1);
       {Succeeded, now read the stream contents into the memory the pointer points at}
         Win32Check(gmem <> 0);
         lp := GlobalLock(gMem);
         Win32Check(lp <> nil);
         CopyMemory(lp, PChar(Strings[i]), Length(Strings[i]) + 1);
       Win32Check(gmem <> 0);
       SetClipboardData(Formats[i], gMEm);
       Win32Check(gmem <> 0);
       gmem := 0;

 // Example: 

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
   CopyHTMLToClipBoard('SwissDelphiCenter', 'SwissDelphiCenter');

Похожие по теме исходники

Image to HTML

HTML Parser (парсер)

Delphi to HTML Converter



Txt to HTML

Конвертер Word - HTML

Mini HTML Editor



HTML Test Creator

Barcode (штрих-код)

Оптимальное кодирование информации

BarCode39 (штрихкоды)


Код Хаффмана

Clipboard (буфер обмена)

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