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Delphi Sources

Найти компонент по имени

Оформил: DeeCo

{Instead of writing: / Anstatt so was zu schreiben:}

 Edit1.Text := 'Text 1';
 Edit2.Text := 'Text 2';
 Edit3.Text := 'Text 3';
 Edit4.Text := 'Text 4';
 Edit9.Text := 'Text 9';

 {...it's easier to write / ...geht's so einfacher:}

  Use the forms FindComponent to find a component on the form. 
  TypeCast the Result of FindComponent to the TComponent to be able to use it. 

 for i := 1 to 9 do
   TEdit(FindComponent('Edit'+IntToStr(i))).Text := 'Text' + IntToStr(i);


 for i:= 1 to 9 do
   (Findcomponent('Edit'+IntToStr(i)) as TEdit).Text := IntToStr(i);

  Another example: find a component on any form with 
  a search string like this: 'MyForm10.Edit2' 

  Ein anderes Beispiel: 
  Eine Komponente auf irgendeiner Form finden mittels einer 
  solchen Zeichenfolge: 'MyForm10.Edit2' 

 function FindComponentEx(const Name: string): TComponent;
   FormName: string;
   CompName: string;
   P: Integer;
   Found: Boolean;
   Form: TForm;
   I: Integer;
   // Split up in a valid form and a valid component name 
  P := Pos('.', Name);
   if P = 0 then
     raise Exception.Create('No valid form name given');
   FormName := Copy(Name, 1, P - 1);
   CompName := Copy(Name, P + 1, High(Integer));
   Found    := False;
   // find the form 
  for I := 0 to Screen.FormCount - 1 do
     Form := Screen.Forms[I];
     // case insensitive comparing 
    if AnsiSameText(Form.Name, FormName) then
       Found := True;
   if Found then
     for I := 0 to Form.ComponentCount - 1 do
       Result := Form.Components[I];
       if AnsiSameText(Result.Name, CompName) then Exit;
   Result := nil;

 procedure TFrom1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
   C: TComponent;
   C := FindComponentEx('MyForm10.Edit2');
   TEdit(C).Caption := 'Hello';

Похожие по теме исходники

Расширение компонента TEdit

Компонент TDBF

Гадание по имени

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