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Delphi Sources

Изменить цвет шрифта выделенной ячейки сетки

Оформил: DeeCo

  How do I change the cell font color in a TDBgrid 
  I only want to change the individual cell that is clicked on! 
  (while in the edit mode) 

  Since it is the InplaceEditor control that is displayed when the cell 
  is in edit mode you have to change this controls Color. Getting at it 
  is a bit ugly since the InplaceEditor property of TCustomGrid 
  (which TDBGrid inherits) is protected and the Color property of 
  TCustomMaskedit (from which TInplaceEditor inherits) is also protected. 
  The following works for a TStrinGrid. I used the grids OnGetEditMask event here 
  to have a place where the inplace editor is guaranteed to exist. 
  For a TDBGrid you could probably use OnColEnter. 
  Wie дndere ich die Farbe der aktuellen Zelle eines Stringgrids oder TDBGrids ? 
  Der InplaceEditor wird angezeit, wenn eine Zelle im Editiermodus ist. 
  Es muss also dessen Farbe geдndert werden. Dies kann ьber eine "Cracker"-Klasse 
  erreicht werden. 

   TForm1 = class(TForm)
     procedure StringGrid1GetEditMask(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer;
       var Value: string);
     procedure DBGrid1ColEnter(Sender: TObject);



   TGridCracker = class(TCustomGrid);
   TEditorCracker = class(TCustomMaskEdit);

 procedure TForm1.StringGrid1GetEditMask(Sender: TObject; ACol,
   ARow: Integer; var Value: String);
   editor: TEditorCracker;
   editor := TEditorCracker(TGridCracker(Sender).InplaceEditor);
   if Assigned(editor) then
     editor.Color := clYellow;

 procedure TForm1.DBGrid1ColEnter(Sender: TObject);
   editor: TEditorCracker;
   editor := TGridCracker(TGridCracker(Sender).InplaceEditor);
   if Assigned(editor) then
     editor.Color := clGreen;

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Изменение цвета изображения

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